Eighteen years ago I held this beautiful lady in my arms for the first time. Less than a year later, I held her in my arms for the last time. Every year since I started blogging about autism and Drake's life, I have also included Lexi and her life on her birthday. While her life was short, she taught ...
posted on April 18, 2020
by Jill Powell
Seventeen years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It's hard to believe so much time has passed. In many ways it seems like forever ago, yet in some ways it seems like yesterday.
That's the thing about grief. Some days the weight is heavy, even seventeen years later...and sometimes it's like ...
The Hope of Christmas
posted on December 23, 2019
by Jill Powell
I was reminded of the importance of Christmas at church yesterday morning. During the sermon I reflected on many things and how grateful I am for the life I have now. I became a Christian in May of 2000. Before becoming a Christian I always knew the meaning of the season. I knew the reason we celebrated ...
More Hope, Less Nope
posted on October 08, 2019
by Jill Powell
Earlier this year a dear friend friend of ours was diagnosed with cancer. I'm talking scary, put you on your knees, type of cancer. I'm very grateful to say that he is now completely cancer free. The reason I am sharing this is because I would like for you to think for a moment about how we as humans ...
Autism Doesn't Scare Me
posted on July 30, 2019
by Jill Powell
I think the fear of autism is something that is very real. It seems like such a dreadful thing to have a child diagnosed with autism. I get it. Personal friends message me all the time and want to know if vaccines cause autism...if there is something they can do to prevent it.....if there is a way to ...
Autism and Toxic Parenting
posted on June 12, 2019
by Jill Powell
I'm slightly afraid that I am going to be stoned to death for writing this, but it needs to be said. Let me begin by saying that I think we all have the tendency to be toxic in one way or another. By nature, human beings are selfish. We want what we want, when we want it. Most of us can control it, or ...
Sweet Sixteen
posted on April 18, 2019
by Jill Powell
Lexi Rae would be sixteen years old today. I can't wrap my head around that age. What would she be like? Would her sky blue eyes still pierce anyone who looked at her? What kind of car would she want as her first car? Would she have a boyfriend? Would she be sassy like most teenagers?
Grief ...
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